A look inside
Beach Party
Toes in the water and a warm soak in the summer sun. It’s time to celebrate the season with refreshing treats.
Toes in the water and fun in the sun
Guests will complete a task such as posting a favorite product, recipe, or asking two questions about being a consultant to build their BBQ Beach Kabob and win a prize of the consultant’s choice.
Asking for posts during the party weighs more heavily on social media algorithms in comparison to likes and comments assuring your content shows up on their feed. Plus, guests are encouraged to return and participate in the party to earn a bigger discount on products (up to 10%). Even you’ll be ready to celebrate!
Personalized party trailer
Summer recipes and product images

Product highlights and photos
Each recipe showcases between 1 and 5 products. While you’re welcome to add more product content, everything you need is included.

Eye catching videos
Say goodbye to looking like everyone else with shared content from image groups. Give your business a professional presentation.

NO “Facebook Jail”
We all know it as “Facebook Jail,” Whatever you call it, these videos don’t get caught up in the Facebook red-tape. We do recommend you change the associated verbiage to suit your voice, but these videos will keep you out of trouble.
Daily participation posts